Desktop icon

Computer/My Computer:
The Windows operating system uses a computer icon to view all information on a disk. It is located on the Desktop and Start menu. Clicking on this icon shows all the discs on the computer. My Computer options are also used for creating, storing, deleting, etc.

The Document icon is located on the Desktop and Start menus. Clicking on this icon will display the Documents window and the various file folders contained within it.The main feature of documents is that when an application program is saved, the file is automatically saved to the document.

Recycle Bin:
The Recycle Bin is a computer system folder. For this, memory is stored in some place. Deleting any file folders from the computer is stored in the Recycle Bin. Deleted file folders are restored from the Recycle Bin and restored. However, deleting from here is not possible again.

Internet Explorer:
Internet Explorer is a Windows operating system's own web browser. If the user's computer has an internet connection, it can do web browsing, email exchange etc.


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