Computer hardware components

The computer hardware part is the machinery part of the computer. Keyboard, Mouse ,RAM, Processor, Hard disk, DVD Writer ,SMPS, Monitors etc. are part of the computer's hardware. The major parts of computer hardware.

1. SMPS:
SMPS stands for Switched Mode Power Supply. It is a power supply that use for switching regulator to convert electrical power efficiently. It is power supply unit of computers. It convert voltage into the computer acceptable range. It convert,  stabilize, regulate the output voltage.

A motherboard is the main printed circuit board (PCB). The motherboard connect all of the parts of a computer together. It connects the CPU, RAM, hard disk, optical drives, video card, sound card, and other ports directly or via cables. Generally motherboard is a computer backbone.

3. RAM:
A RAM is a field in which all instructions or information from the input device is stored. The user can read and write any information directly from here. However, when the power connection is closed, all the data is removed from the RAM so the RAM is called volatile memory.There are two types of RAM, static RAM and dynamic RAM.

4. Hard Disk:
Hard disks are used to permanently store large amounts of information on a computer. The discs are made of thin aluminum hybrids called platters. The both sides of the dikes are covered by a magnetic oxide coating. At present, hard disks are powered by 320 GB to 1 TB capacity.

5. Prosser:
That's the brain of the computer. It is fitted with a socket on the motherboard.
A fan is mounted on it because it is too hot.

6. DVD Writer:
DVDs are a lot like watching CDs. Much more data can be stored on DVD than in CD.The dvd-writer has begun to read and write information on DVD.

7. UPS:
UPS full from is Uninterruptible Power Supply. The electric supply goes to the computer along with the UPS even when the electric supply is turned off.Due to the UPS, the computer does not shut down suddenly after completing certain tasks, after the computer can be turned off.


  1. very good, thanks so much

  2. thanks for sharing


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