Mobile Phone

Mobile phone is just a telecommunication device, that can make call and receive call over a radio frequency link while the user is moving within a telephone network service area.

In present time mobile not just a telephone this is a small portable computer.

Structural classification of mobile phone :

* Bar Phone
* Touchscreen Phone
* Smart Phone
* Tablet phone

Network base classification of mobile phone :

* GPRS mobile phone
* 2G mobile phone
* 3G mobile phone
* 4G mobile phone

OS base classification of mobile phone :

Many type os is present in market. But some os is popular.

* Java mobile.
* Windows mobile.
* Android mobile.
* Blackberry mobile.
- etc.

History of mobile:

The first mobile phone is not a mobile phone that is two way radio. That is use only emergency services. That is not public mobile phone. 

Motorola employee Martin Cooper is first invented public mobile phone (1973).
Early mobile phone is 0G mobile phone.
The first smart phone Simon developed by IBM in 1992. Apple is released more than 15 years before.

HTC released first Android mobile phone in 2008. That is first Linux based mobile phone operating system. 


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